During arousal, men secrete a colorless, clear mucus called pre-ejaculate. It occurs together with an erection, but can also appear after it. If men do not have fat during awakening, this is a sign of some pathologies related to the reproductive system. The release of this fluid prevents damage to the male genital organ during vaginal penetration.
In medicine, adiposity in men during awakening is called temporary. This substance is produced not only before sexual intercourse, but also during light sexual arousal, during rubbing, and during masturbation. The appearance of lubrication in men during awakening indicates a desire to have an intimate relationship with a partner.

Composition of pre-sperm
Pre-ejaculation is a mucous discharge that contains various enzymes and alkali. Since the environment of the female vagina is acidic and rejects male sperm, the lubricant neutralizes the aggressiveness of such female microflora.
There is a myth that male genital secretions can make a woman pregnant. The fact is that lubricant does not contain sperm, but it can be there if sexual intercourse takes place without contraception, a few hours after masturbation or after previous sexual intercourse.
To prevent unwanted pregnancy, experts recommend using condoms or other contraceptive methods.

Treatment can be prescribed by your doctor. Appropriate drugs are prescribed depending on the identified disease. Usually thisantibiotics, these are also different. Some antibiotics fight sexually transmitted infections, others are aimed at suppressing the pathogenic environment - candida and other fungal microorganisms.
It is also prescribed for the treatment of diseasesanti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin complexes, related drugs and dietary supplementsdepending on the state of health and accompanying diseases.
Basic functions
Lube is secreted in men during arousal, it is not only a transparent lubricant, but also a protective reaction of the mucous membrane. Such secretions, if the representative of the fairer sex secretes a small amount of such a substance, facilitate the penetration and friction of the male genital organ in the female vagina.
Sebum secretion in men during awakening has several very important functions, which are as follows:
- Neutralization of increased acidity of vaginal microflora.
- Facilitates the penetration of the penis, helps the movement of sperm along the cervix.
- Increased chance of conception.
- Removal of the contents of the urethra.
Sperm die very quickly in an acidic environment. Thanks to the alkaline pre-sperm, they enter the reproductive system without damage and can fertilize the egg. Therefore, male lubricant has the ability to preserve sperm viability.
In addition, thanks to this male discharge from the urethra, the chance of conception increases, because during the slide, the seminal fluid penetrates into the uterus faster. Natural lubricant helps to prevent the use of artificial substitutes, and also makes it easier for the penis to enter the vagina if the woman's secretion is low.

Is it possible to get pregnant?
One of the most frequently asked questions about coitus interruptus is: is it possible to get pregnant from a man's natural lubrication? Even the most experienced doctors will not be able to give an unequivocal answer to this question, because in addition to the main factor, this process is influenced by many accompanying parameters that sometimes completely overturn the statistics. Then we will consider this issue in more detail.
There are many articles on the Internet by ardent opponents of coitus interruptus that a man can carry a certain number of sperm that can fertilize his partner's egg before ejaculation. In fact, many scientific studies show that the natural lubricant secreted by the body in its pure form cannot cause pregnancy.
This is explained by the fact that the gland that produces it is in no way connected to the male testicles, so completely pure mucus enters the excretory urethra. Therefore, even if a man's physiology is characterized by copious secretion of mucus during intercourse, it cannot cause an unwanted pregnancy. But in practice, things are not so rosy.
What is the probability?
According to the Pearl index, which shows how effective a particular contraceptive option is when used frequently, there is a fairly high percentage of all people who use abstinence to get pregnant. The indicator reaches values in the range 6-18. This means that 6 to 18 out of 100 couples who use this method of contraception for a long time can get pregnant.
This is explained by the fact that most pregnancies occur as a result of repeated intercourse with a short break. As a result, a man may have some viable sperm left in the internal urethra. During the next sexual intercourse, along with a new part of the lubricant, it enters the internal genital organs of the woman, and this small amount is sometimes enough to fertilize the egg.
In addition, neglecting simple hygiene rules can also lead to an unplanned pregnancy, because after ejaculation, a certain amount of sperm can remain in the genitals, hands and body. In this case, the probability of a boy getting pregnant from lubricant is quite high, so whether it is possible to use this method of contraception is a very controversial and controversial issue today. But despite this, the popularity of interrupted coitus has not yet fallen.
You can't get pregnant from male lube. Contains no sperm. Even if there is only one sperm in it, it will not cause pregnancy. In order to conceive a child, the biological fluid secreted by a man into the vagina must contain at least 40 million sperm.
The exception is when a man has recently had sex. Then some sperm may remain in her genital tract. During the next sexual intercourse, sperm can enter the vagina together with pre-ejaculation.
Disruption of orgasm is also dangerous if a man experiences practically no pleasant sensations during ejaculation. At this time, pre-ejaculation can be confused with ejaculation, resulting in an unwanted pregnancy. However, the secretion observed during sexual arousal before ejaculation in men does not pose a threat in this regard.
Cooper's glands, which are responsible for producing pre-ejaculate, are considered preseminal. They are located along the entire length of the penis from the inside to its external opening to the neck of the bladder. Some men produce more of this mucus, while others produce less. There are some representatives of the strong sex that have practically no spots, but this does not mean that they do not exist in principle. It is simply not released at the moment of sexual arousal, but a few seconds before ejaculation.

What does normal look like?
Thus, the issue of whether a man secretes lubricant during arousal was solved. But what does it look like? Externally, this liquid looks like a simple transparent mucus. An amount of 1 to 5 ml is released during sexual intercourse. This volume is enough to make sexual intercourse comfortable for partners. This seed contains smegma, an oily substance that collects in the folds of the foreskin. If a man is faithful to only one sexual partner or uses a condom during intercourse, the fluid does not contain any color changes or additional inclusions. Only light whitish color is possible.

When to see a doctor?
Many women still don't know if men get fat when they're excited. Some people just didn't care. But it is a fact that this fluid is extremely important during sexual intercourse.
If any suspicious symptoms appear, a man should immediately consult a doctor. Thanks to this, it will be possible to identify the disease at an early stage of its development, and therefore a quick recovery will follow. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the composition and shade of your seed in advance. Additional symptoms that help establish the diagnosis include:
- Increased body temperature, fever, fever.
- A feeling of pain or discomfort in the region of the organs located in the pelvis.
- Skin redness, swelling and rashes.
- Bloody purulent impurities in male excrement.
- Burning and itching in the urethra.
- Hyperemia in the penile area.
- Erectile dysfunction, urinary retention.

Similar pathological processes in the male body during awakening and at rest are observed in case of infection with sexually transmitted diseases. If several or even one symptom is detected, you should immediately consult a doctor. Most likely, the man will need immediate antibacterial therapy.
Violation of sperm production
In some cases, a man's sperm may be produced less or completely absent. A number of factors cause such a violation, it is worth talking in more detail. A complete lack of seminal fluid can cause weight gain, hormonal imbalance in the body, fever and sexually transmitted diseases.
As a result, it is important to monitor any changes in the body in order to feel like a full-fledged person in every sense of the word. If the correct lifestyle, contraception and timely examination by the appropriate specialist are the first priority, the seminal fluid will always be normal.
Preemption is not allowed
If a man becomes very oily when excited, it can be called a feature of his body. But in some cases, representatives of the stronger sex do not feel the release of fluid during sexual intercourse, because it begins to be released only after the penis enters the vagina.
In 5% of cases, the lack of lubrication is a sign of the presence of some kind of inflammatory disease. In such a situation, it is better to consult a specialist about this problem. You should also pay attention to the fact that in elderly people, discharge from the urethra may be completely absent.

Diagnosis of the disease with pathological discharge from the penis
The examination procedure consists of several diagnostic procedures:
Initial examination by a specialist of the genitals, that is, the foreskin, head and perineum. The main task is to identify possible organ deformation, rashes, discharges and signs of inflammation.
To feel the lymph nodes in the groin area and assess their condition. They can be:
- increased or within the norm;
- warmer or colder than nearby tissues;
- mobile or not;
- hard or soft;
- whether the patient has pain during palpation.
In addition, inguinal lymph nodes are examined for the presence of ulcers.
Digital diagnostics of the prostate gland. This study is carried out through the rectum. In this case, fluid can be released from the urethra, which is necessary for microscopy. Adenoma is characterized by evenly enlarged lobes of the prostate gland and palpable dense cords. Uneven growths indicate the development of a malignant tumor. Confirmatory factor is discharge from the urethra during massage with blood clots. For the reliability of the study, it is recommended to refrain from urinating 1, 5 - 2 hours before the procedure.
Complete blood count and extended urinalysis. It is necessary to refuse on an empty stomach.
Examination of the material (microscopic examination and smears for culture). A procedure that minimizes the risk of misdiagnosis of the disease. It is particularly accurate. A stained smear under a microscope reveals all the contents:
- blood cells;
- presence of epithelium;
- fatty components;
- non-venereal pathogens belonging to the group of conditionally pathogenic microflora.
Ultrasound examination and computer tomography of the genitourinary system. As a rule, it serves to confirm or refute the existing diagnosis.
Obvious symptoms during the first visit to the medical institution require immediate prescription of broad-spectrum antibiotics even before diagnosis. If severe bleeding occurs, the patient should be hospitalized and measures should be taken to stop the bleeding. This can be one of the signs of the development of cancer. To confirm this hypothesis, the patient is sent for biopsy.
The final diagnosis is possible only when the results of the histological examination are ready.
Consistency and color change
It was said above that if men secrete a lot of lubricant during arousal, this is the norm, but if it is excessive, this should alert you. However, a change in color and consistency is considered a reason to consult a doctor. Normally, the color of seminal fluid is clear, slightly whitish. You should also pay attention to the density of these secretions. Seminal fluid should not be thick and should flow freely from the urethra during sexual arousal. Reasons to contact a specialist include:
- The formation of an unpleasant fishy smell that contains the aroma of mold.
- Impurities of pus and blood.
- Changes in the structure of seminal fluid, formation of cheesy sediment, thickening.
- Changing the shade.
Red, gray, orange, green and other shades are a sign of an infectious or inflammatory process in the body. This is how the male body reacts to any viral or bacterial invasion. In some cases, colored discharge is a sign of the natural rehabilitation process. For example, after prostate surgery, antibiotic therapy or any other surgical interventions.
Clear viscous discharge in some cases indicates infection with infectious diseases, for example, streptococcus, staphylococcus and E. coli. However, the appearance of bacteria will be observed not only in preseminal fluid, but also in other secretions of the male organ.
Normal amount of ejaculatory fluid
Pathological mucus discharge in men differs from healthy ones in terms of color, smell and consistency. They are almost always accompanied by unpleasant feelings.
Symptoms that indicate the deviation of the lubricant from the norm:
- the appearance of fluid from the urethra during the day;
- the appearance of an unpleasant smell;
- pain when urinating;
- the formation of an excessive amount of mucus;
- voluntary release of lubrication without sexual desire;
- the presence of third-party inputs;
- the consistency is too thick or runny.
These signs are characteristic of pathological processes that indicate the development of diseases.
Kind | Description |
Spermatorrhea | Accidental leakage of sperm without reaching orgasm. The reason for the process is a decrease in the muscle tone of the vas deferens. It develops due to pathological chronic inflammation |
Haematorrhea | Discharge of lubricant mixed with blood. It appears with damage to the mucosa of the urethra |
Leukocytic ureterrhoea | The exudative stage of the inflammatory process caused by thermal, mechanical, chemical or viral damage to the mucous membrane of the urethra. |
Mucopulent | They consist of a small number of leukocytes, serous fluid and gland secretions. This mucus is characterized by active formation at night. A man sees pus discharge in the morning, and yellow spots can be found on his underwear. Mucopurulent discharge appears when the urethra is damaged by bacteria: trichomonas, ureamicoplasma, chlamydia |
Purulent | These include large numbers of leukocytes, urethral epithelium, mucus and serous fluid. They have a thick consistency and an unpleasant smell. They appear as drops of yellow or greenish color. Evidence of the development of gonococcal urethritis formed against the background of chlamydia and gonorrhea |
The volume of mucus released can be large or small. Poor lubrication can be quite difficult to spot. To do this, you need to press the urethra so that the liquid comes out of the opening. It dries quickly, forming a film on the membrane of the penis head. The viscous consistency causes the urethral sponges to stick together.
Doctors' opinion
The gray-green color of the liquid indicates the presence of infection in the male body. However, this symptom is not always a sign of sexually transmitted diseases, ARVI or flu can manifest in this way. In parallel with this, the body temperature of the man rises.
White thick discharge indicates the development of a fungal disease, most often candidiasis. This disease is transmitted to a man from an infected sexual partner. When this pathogen is detected, it is necessary to treat both the woman and the man.

If the liquid is red, it indicates the development of a urological disease, for example, cystitis, urethritis, but it can also be a sign of chronic prostatitis and a number of other diseases not related to the urinary system.
Is it possible to reduce the probability of conception due to the introduction of lubricant into the vagina?
A woman's menstrual cycle. After menstruation, the egg has not moved far enough from the ovary, at which time the possibility of conception decreases with lubrication and ejaculation. However, the clear liquid that comes from the head during awakening is not a reason to panic if the man has not had an orgasm before.

Abnormal lubrication is most often due to sexually transmitted diseases, but there are a number of other conditions as well.